Friday, June 30, 2023

The Summer War Nobody Talks About

 Greetings Friends, 

Summer is in full swing, ball leagues are going strong, campgrounds are full and pastors everywhere are looking for their flocks!

The Holiday of 4th of July is uniquely American and for great reason.  We celebrate the birth of a nation.  A nation that has had it's flaws, mistakes and blunders, but also a nation that has been blessed by God despite her sins.  

Friends, this 4th of July don't forget to remember where your blessings came from.  Don't forget the sacrifices paid so that we can celebrate our freedoms.  
Ronald Reagan said it best, "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. The only way they can inherit the freedom we have known is if we fight for it, protect it, defend it, and then hand it to them with the well fought lessons of how they in their lifetime must do the same. And if you and I don’t do this, then you and I may well spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it once was like in America when men were free."

You may disagree on his politics but his words are still true to this day.  

There is a battle going on today for the minds and hearts of your children.  Little things that once left Sundays to worship, now have invaded and Church is no longer respected.  Kids are told, it's ok to miss church, your future could be impacted by how you play a game.   Friends, the ONLY future that matters is where you spend eternity.  

A faith built in and on Jesus Christ alone is what matters.  If you have a relationship with Jesus, what kind of shape would HE say it is in if you're not worshiping regularly with your family and church family?  

"Choose today who you will serve...", is the challenge of Joshua to Israel and it's the challenge of a pastor to you today!  Choose wisely friends, a soul might just hang in the balance. 

God bless you and have a blessed and safe 4th, we'll see you next Sunday.

Pastor Brad

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Catching Up

 Good day my friends, it's been a minute since I had the time to jot down to this blog and I apologize for the delay between posts. 

When I created this blog, I had no idea just how busy life can be so let me catch you up on things.

Back in Nov. of 2022 I experienced a cancer scare!  Yes, it's true.  My blood tests came back with an elevated level of PSA.  I'd never had any issues before but this time, something had elevated the numbers enough that the Dr's decided I needed an MRI.  If you know me at all you know that me in an MRI tube is like stuffing a marshmallow in a thimble! 

An hour and 20 minutes later I was free and I didn't use any tranquilizers or get knocked out.  I simply laid in the tube as still as a stone, praying for my church folks, my family and friends and myself!  God was gracious and although I exited the tube with bruised elbows, I was declared clear by the MRI.  My Urologist wasn't convinced so I endured a prostate biopsy.  (NOT A PLEASANT EXPERIENCE!)

The biopsy determined that I had zero cancer cells present and despite some minor enlargement, I am cancer free. 

Then a few months later my wife had a cancer scare but the Lord once again protected her.  No cancer found!  

Fast forward to this last best man at my wedding and fellow laborer in the faith passed away.  He fought a brave fight with cancer and served his flock with all the love and strength God gave him.  He only missed one Sunday behind the pulpit and that was only because he was having surgery on that Sunday.  Despite the effects of Chemotherapy & Radiation, my buddy served with grace and dignity.   

To say life has been busy is an understatement.  There has been hospital trips, prayer time for dear folks struggling with life and following a 15yr old daughter who is also a blessing.  

My encouragement to you today is this: No matter what life throws at you, KEEP GOING!  Never quit, don't give up and put your faith in Someone Who can make a real difference in all your circumstances.  

Who is that you might ask?

His name is Jesus Christ and despite what the world thinks, He is in the LIFE CHANGING BUSINESS.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

How to find Jesus in Halloween...

 Greetings friends,

I want to apologize for the lack of posts!   The only excuse I have is that I've been busy with the needs of my family and church.  However, I will attempt to post more in the future as time becomes available.

As the spookiest time of the year approaches, I want to challenge you to show Jesus to those masked kiddos a Halloween.

One way is to remind them that no matter how scary they are, God loves them and wants to give them gifts (salvation) just like you want to give them candy and treats.  

You can also explain that everyone wears a mask but it can't hide who is inside. The Lord God's mercy and grace is available to all but we don't need to hide behind a mask to receive it.  

If we will share the Gospel with our kids, we will see an entire generation have "good seed" sown for a future crop to be harvested.   NEVER GIVE UP!    Someone didn't give up on you!

Happy Halloween! 

Pastor Brad

Friday, June 18, 2021

 Summer Heat or Church Air Conditioning
Greetings blog enthusiasts, I pray you are well since our last little chat.
Today I want to pose this question to you:  Are you less comfortable in the heat of the Summer Sun or in the chill of church air conditioning?
For some, the heat is just fine giving relief to aching joints and allowing the body to sweat out toxins we've been storing since the Winter Holidays.
Others can't stand the heat and prefer to remain cool.
HOWEVER, there are groups of people who will sit outside in the blazing heat rather than the cool air of their church because they feel the chill of hard hearted christians who judge them for something.  
Folks, let's love one another and drop the Pharisee act before another soul splits hell wide open.
Don't be the reason someone doesn't come back to church...instead, invite someone to join you after church for lunch or for some coffee.  Get to know the afflicted and lend a spiritual hand.  We all need it!
God bless and keep you all safe,

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Resurrection Sunday...a warning and our hope!

 Greetings in the name of the risen Lord!

As we look forward to Easter, I want you to see something God has revealed in the act of Resurrection.  

The resurrection of Jesus was the most important event in Christianity for without an empty tomb, sinners have no hope.  A Savior that has no power over our biggest threat wouldn't be much solace to mankind but Praise God, He raised His Son from that borrowed tomb so that we can be assured that He has power over death and the grave.

Friends, this Easter Sunday is a celebration of that reality.  It is a time of reflecting on the terrible cost our sins demand and the gracious sacrifice Jesus paid on our behalf.  If you have not made a decision to put your faith in Jesus, you need to consider the cost of your sins.  You can't pay enough to get you eternal life.  God knew this in advance and sent Jesus to die in your place.  You MUST believe in Him before He returns to claim His spotless Bride.  If you think you're a spotless bride without Jesus, you're telling God that you are more righteous than His Son.  Don't be that foolish friend, God will not be mocked.  Turn to Jesus today and be saved from the punishment for denying Him.

May God richly bless you and your family this season and always!


Friday, January 22, 2021

 Greetings Dear Readers!

Happy New Year to you all.  I apologize that I've not been writing as often as I'd like.  Been busy learning new skills to help my church move on from the pandemic and get the Gospel past the 4 walls.

As you look forward to the months ahead in 2021, what do you expect?  What way do you think God will bless you?  Or do you even feel like He is blessing at all?   Politics aside, God has blessed us at DBC and He continues to do so despite all the tricks of the devil and the division the world is experiencing.

How has He blessed us you ask?  We are about to regather for regular services this coming weekend.  All our small groups will be meeting, distanced and masked where possible, and our regular service will begin anew with evening services and bible study groups meeting midweek as well.  We have not been financially strapped as some have, we have even had a few visitors to our modified worship services recently and our technology ministry is growing.
We are introducing the Dahlgren Baptist Church App in the Apple iTunes store as well as the Google Play Store.  It's a free download that keeps you connected to our fellowship here, allows you to give as the Lord calls you to and you can follow this BLOG right there from the App as well as in the future, get links to see our messages and lessons on video.  We are growing slowly but surely and it's all because of God's blessings and the generosity of folks like you who want to hear more, be involved and see God at work in a small church for His Glory.  

I want to show you in scripture where we find a key to God's blessings and it comes from Isaiah 56:2 "Happy is the man who does this, anyone who maintains this, who keeps the Sabbath without desecrating it, and keeps his hand from doing evil."  
If you're struggling right now or unhappy in life, may I encourage you?  Your struggle isn't unknown to God.  He is using the struggles and hurts to draw you closer to Him.  Get in service somewhere that preaches God's Word, proclaims Christ risen and returning and you'll discover the blessings.  It won't make you a millionaire overnight or kill depression quickly but it is the right road to take on this journey we call life.  Establish a relationship with Jesus Christ as the Lord of your life, surrender to His Lordship and find your way to everlasting life in His sacrifice for you.  He paid your debt friend.  Accept it, believe on Him and you will be blessed!

Happy New Year!

Yours in God's grace,


Monday, December 14, 2020

Christmas to Me.

 Greetings blog fans, 

I am sitting here at my desk after my prayer and devotional time thinking about the upcoming Christmas celebration.  Things are so much more different than I anticipated and yet, December 25th is still on the calendar despite what else is happening.

As I ponder what this Christmas is going to look like, I also look back to what it was like on the night it became reality.  There in Bethlehem, a young couple seeking refuge from the elements after an arduous journey to fulfill the demands of a census, cannot find shelter.  Everyplace was booked, no friends to call on despite family being from there.  Just two young people with a baby on the way in the night.

Could we put ourselves in Joseph's sandals for a moment.  He is worried about his bride and their child.  Yes, their child.  God sent an angel to make it clear to Joseph that he would have a role to play in rearing up this Christ-child.  Being a man of integrity(he DID take Mary as bride despite her situation), I feel like Joseph has the weight of the world on his shoulders.  Imagine what's going on in his head:  What will I do if the baby dies in birth?  How will I care for the both of them(Mary & Jesus) if I can't even put a roof over their heads?  

These are all thoughts I would be thinking.  Self doubt is a terrible sickness friends.  But I have good news for any of you who struggle with it!  God already has a plan in place for you.  Despite your weaknesses, failures or faults, God knows who He asked to do something and He empowers you to accomplish it.

Do you realize God has NEVER failed?  Ever!   He's not about to start when He calls you to do something for Him.  Please take hold of this valuable truth and enjoy Christmas!  In fact, apply it daily and 2021 may be the year of great breakthrough and victory for you!

Merry Christmas!

The Summer War Nobody Talks About

  Greetings Friends,  Summer is in full swing, ball leagues are going strong, campgrounds are full and pastors everywhere are looking for th...