Friday, June 18, 2021

 Summer Heat or Church Air Conditioning
Greetings blog enthusiasts, I pray you are well since our last little chat.
Today I want to pose this question to you:  Are you less comfortable in the heat of the Summer Sun or in the chill of church air conditioning?
For some, the heat is just fine giving relief to aching joints and allowing the body to sweat out toxins we've been storing since the Winter Holidays.
Others can't stand the heat and prefer to remain cool.
HOWEVER, there are groups of people who will sit outside in the blazing heat rather than the cool air of their church because they feel the chill of hard hearted christians who judge them for something.  
Folks, let's love one another and drop the Pharisee act before another soul splits hell wide open.
Don't be the reason someone doesn't come back to church...instead, invite someone to join you after church for lunch or for some coffee.  Get to know the afflicted and lend a spiritual hand.  We all need it!
God bless and keep you all safe,

The Summer War Nobody Talks About

  Greetings Friends,  Summer is in full swing, ball leagues are going strong, campgrounds are full and pastors everywhere are looking for th...