Friday, January 22, 2021

 Greetings Dear Readers!

Happy New Year to you all.  I apologize that I've not been writing as often as I'd like.  Been busy learning new skills to help my church move on from the pandemic and get the Gospel past the 4 walls.

As you look forward to the months ahead in 2021, what do you expect?  What way do you think God will bless you?  Or do you even feel like He is blessing at all?   Politics aside, God has blessed us at DBC and He continues to do so despite all the tricks of the devil and the division the world is experiencing.

How has He blessed us you ask?  We are about to regather for regular services this coming weekend.  All our small groups will be meeting, distanced and masked where possible, and our regular service will begin anew with evening services and bible study groups meeting midweek as well.  We have not been financially strapped as some have, we have even had a few visitors to our modified worship services recently and our technology ministry is growing.
We are introducing the Dahlgren Baptist Church App in the Apple iTunes store as well as the Google Play Store.  It's a free download that keeps you connected to our fellowship here, allows you to give as the Lord calls you to and you can follow this BLOG right there from the App as well as in the future, get links to see our messages and lessons on video.  We are growing slowly but surely and it's all because of God's blessings and the generosity of folks like you who want to hear more, be involved and see God at work in a small church for His Glory.  

I want to show you in scripture where we find a key to God's blessings and it comes from Isaiah 56:2 "Happy is the man who does this, anyone who maintains this, who keeps the Sabbath without desecrating it, and keeps his hand from doing evil."  
If you're struggling right now or unhappy in life, may I encourage you?  Your struggle isn't unknown to God.  He is using the struggles and hurts to draw you closer to Him.  Get in service somewhere that preaches God's Word, proclaims Christ risen and returning and you'll discover the blessings.  It won't make you a millionaire overnight or kill depression quickly but it is the right road to take on this journey we call life.  Establish a relationship with Jesus Christ as the Lord of your life, surrender to His Lordship and find your way to everlasting life in His sacrifice for you.  He paid your debt friend.  Accept it, believe on Him and you will be blessed!

Happy New Year!

Yours in God's grace,


The Summer War Nobody Talks About

  Greetings Friends,  Summer is in full swing, ball leagues are going strong, campgrounds are full and pastors everywhere are looking for th...