Thursday, March 18, 2021

Resurrection Sunday...a warning and our hope!

 Greetings in the name of the risen Lord!

As we look forward to Easter, I want you to see something God has revealed in the act of Resurrection.  

The resurrection of Jesus was the most important event in Christianity for without an empty tomb, sinners have no hope.  A Savior that has no power over our biggest threat wouldn't be much solace to mankind but Praise God, He raised His Son from that borrowed tomb so that we can be assured that He has power over death and the grave.

Friends, this Easter Sunday is a celebration of that reality.  It is a time of reflecting on the terrible cost our sins demand and the gracious sacrifice Jesus paid on our behalf.  If you have not made a decision to put your faith in Jesus, you need to consider the cost of your sins.  You can't pay enough to get you eternal life.  God knew this in advance and sent Jesus to die in your place.  You MUST believe in Him before He returns to claim His spotless Bride.  If you think you're a spotless bride without Jesus, you're telling God that you are more righteous than His Son.  Don't be that foolish friend, God will not be mocked.  Turn to Jesus today and be saved from the punishment for denying Him.

May God richly bless you and your family this season and always!


The Summer War Nobody Talks About

  Greetings Friends,  Summer is in full swing, ball leagues are going strong, campgrounds are full and pastors everywhere are looking for th...